Bachata Man Style with Marco Espejo

Get inspired by one of the most wanted bachata dancer in the world and learn his technique, musicality, fluidity and style step by step.

Start Your Free Trial

Explore My Bachata Man Style Content

Experience premium content designed to take your dance to the next level. As a member you can take your ticket and commit to the ride - anytime, anywhere.

Are You Ready To Level Up Your Bachata?!

Students all over the world are taking their dance to the next level with my step by step methodology.

Class Structure

Each week I'll work on specifics themes:

Class 1: Musicality

Class 2: Body Movements

Class 3: Footwork (Pasitos)

Class 4: Choreography

Take it at your pace

Once we upload each class you will have 12 month to watch it.
You will have the ability to hone your skills through repetition.

Rewind and Rewatch for unlimited amount of practice

Head to your catalog to find all the classes. You'll never be out of Bachata practice videos to choose from.

Simple and Flexible Pricing

Every plan starts with a 7-day trial. Enjoy your membership by clicking on the plan that suits you best.

price option <p>Man Style - Monthly</p>

Man Style - Monthly


  • 7 Days Free Trial

  • 4 New Classes Per Month

  • Uploaded on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month- 8 PM - Madrid Time

  • Intermediate/Advanced Level

  • Classes in English and Spanish

    This subscription will give you access to all classes from the previous 12 months on your monthly subscription.

price option <p><span style="color: var(--hp-color-text, #1b2733);" >Man Style Biannual (6months)</span></p>

Man Style Biannual (6months)


  • 7 Days Free Trial

  • 4 New Classes Per Month

  • Uploaded on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month- 8 PM - Madrid Time

  • Intermediate/Advanced Level

  • Classes in English and Spanish

    This subscription will give you access to all classes from the previous 12 months on your monthly subscription.

Level Up Your Bachata Man Style With Marco Espejo

Everyone should have access to the world’s greatest Bachata instructor.

Start Your Free 7-day Trial